Apricot Prunus armeniaca


Apricot, Prunus armeniaca L., is a member of the Rosaceae family, along with apple, pear, peach, and other stone fruits. The apricot is found in the Prunophora subgenus within Prunus along with plums. Hybrids between plums and apricots have been produced recently which are said to be finer fruits than either parent. A "Plumcot" is 50% plum, 50% apricot; an "Aprium" is 75% apricot, 25% plum; and the most popular hybrid, the "Pluot" is 75% plum, 25% apricot.

'Blenheim' (syn. 'Royal') is by far the major US cultivar, accounting for over 80% of production. Others include: 'Tilton' , 'Wenatchee Moorpark' , 'Perfection', 'Earlicot' , and 'Autumn Royal'.

Origin, History Of Cultivation

The center of diversity of the apricot is northeastern China near the Russian border (in the Great Wall area). From there it spread west throughout central Asia. Cultivation in China dates back 3000 years. The Romans introduced apricots to Europe in 70-60 BC through Greece and Italy. Apricots probably moved to the US through English settlers on the East Coast, and Spanish Missionaries in California. For much of their history of cultivation, apricots were grown from seedlings, and few improved cultivars existed until the nineteenth century. Cultivars vary among countries, and in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Syria, a great deal of the production is from seedling orchards. Cultivation in the USA was confined to frost-free sites along the Pacific slope of California, due to early bloom but relatively high chilling requirement, and fungal disease problems in humid climates. Now, most of the production in California is in the San Joaquin valley.


World (2004 FAO) - 2,685,486 MT or 6 billion pounds. Apricots are produced commercially in 63 countries on about 988,000 acres. Production has been stable over the last decade. Yields average 5980 lbs/acre, ranging from just a few thousand pounds to over 15,000 lbs/acre in the some European countries.

United States (2004 USDA) - 91,545 MT or 2201 million lbs. Apricots have been valued at $26-48 million/year over the last decade. Prices are relatively low, 19¢/lb, typical of prices over the last decade. Apricots are produced commercially in 3 states (CA, WA, UT), with California accounting for 94% of the crop. In 2004, California had 17,000 bearing acres of apricots, producing about 11,000 lbs/acre, for a value of $29 million. The USA exported 31% of production in 2002, mostly as dried fruit, with fresh fruit about 1/3 of exports. Exports have doubled since 1988. No import data are available, but small quantities of fresh fruit are imported from the southern hemisphere countries like Chile in winter months.

Contribution To Diet

Most of the US crop is not sold fresh; drying and canning are popular options for apricots since they are so perishable. Cultivars which retain their color and flavor during drying like ‘Royal' and ‘Tilton' are best for this market. Dried apricots can be easily re-hydrated, and are particularly popular with backpackers. As with plums, drying concentrates all nutrients several-fold. Per capita consumption is only 0.9 lb per year. In 2004, the utilization was as follows:

Canned and juices - 23%
Fresh - 13%
Dried - 57%
Frozen - 5%

* Percent of recommended daily allowance set by FDA, assuming a 154 lb male adult, 2700 calories per day.